Jesus compared the working of God’s Kingdom to sowing and reaping. He said the Word is the seed and the heart is the soil. Understanding and applying this kingdom principle is key for raising our children for God. As we consistently sow the truth of God’s Word into the hearts of our children, we will reap a harvest, a good harvest of righteousness.
I grew up on a farm. I understand the work involved, the planning required, the hope invested in each crop. A farmer’s family and livelihood depend on him doing everything he can to produce a good crop. But there are many factors out of his control that will affect the final outcome. This can produce trust in God or fear and frustration.

The principle of sowing seed and reaping is intimately tied to the Kingdom of God. We have been given our own land, our own territory, so to speak, which we are responsible for working – our homes and the hearts of the children we raise there. We’ve been givens seeds of truth and wisdom. How we work the field we have been given is completely up to us. If we work diligently and are guided by the Holy Spirit we will reap the fruits of our labor.
God’s Word is truth and it’s good. As we plant truth in the hearts and minds of our little ones, as we watch over it, water it, pull weeds, nurture it, and protect it from those who would eat its tender shoots, we are doing all the things within our power to produce a good harvest. We must do all the things we can. But there are many things we can not.
We are not able to make the seed grow in their hearts or produce fruit, not by our own strength or power. We are also not responsible for doing so. We are only responsible for planting and tending it. God must take over where we are powerless to continue.
So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
1 Corinthians 3:7
Storms will come. We can’t stop them. Sometimes they will bring much needed rain. Other times they will bring damage to the crop.
Dry seasons will come where the Heavens feel like brass and nothing seems to be coming from them at all. We must pray and trust that God cares and hears our prayers, and keep praying even when we don’t feel anything.
There will be those who try to steal or ruin the harvest. We must watch out for them and run them off. You have the authority to do that. Remember, it’s the field God has give us to tend.
Also, weeds. They seem innocent enough at first. But if left unchecked they will steal the nutrients the crop needs to grow, take up the space intended for new life, and, eventually, strangle any fruit we hope to see.
Few see or appreciate the hidden work of motherhood. No one can see the seed of His word you’ve planted into the hearts of your children. But God sees. And He is causing it to grow. You are responsible for planting truth in their hearts, watering that truth, watching over it, and protecting it. We must do all we can. But it’s the things we can not do that drive us to pray and trust God.
He must send the rain. He must protect them and pull them through the storms. He must cause the truth to take root in their hearts and grow. He is the one who causes them to produce the fruit of the Spirit.
Thank goodness our success is not based on a single season. We will have times when feel defeated because we see so little return for the effort we’ve invested. But don’t let that stop you from trying again. One season doesn’t define us or stop us, though it may humble us. We pick up and sow again, a little wiser than before, leaning on Him a little more.
Wisdom comes with time and experience. As we see the good harvest of one season it gives us faith for the next. As we see God’s faithfulness in one storm, we learn to trust him in all the storms. You’ve become skilled in prayer, partnering with the Holy Spirit, and walking in His ways. Your prayers are powerful because you are praying to a powerful God. He’s teaching you well. Trust Him. Faithfulness has great reward in the Kingdom of God.
You are affecting many generations for good. This is eternal work. Don’t let anyone convince you it doesn’t matter or isn’t worth the price you are paying. Good job, Precious Mama!
Keep up the good work!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for my home and my family, this field I’m responsible for tending.
Please put your words in my mouth as I encourage and teach my children. Let those words be planted deep inside of their hearts and minds.
Help me to watch over their hearts, protecting them from the enemy’s lies and the weeds that would try to choke out the good things you have planned for their lives.
Teach me how to work with your Holy Spirit to do all the things I can and trust you to do all the things I can’t. Lord, give me the wisdom to know the difference.
Thank you for a harvest of righteousness in the hearts and minds of my children. Thank you for good fruit and blessing in their lives.
In Jesus’ name,
All of this is what I have been meditating on lately just to stay encouraged for my adult children and my grandchildren. So well put Audrey and so encouraging. Thank you Jesus and thank you Holy Spirit for empowering us to keep pressing on.
Yes, I want to stay encouraged so I can encourage those around me who need it. Debbie, your walk and your life are an encouragement to so many. You have wisdom people need. You don’t even know how many lives you have affected for Jesus, including mine. Thank you.