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There comes a time when secondhand faith isn’t enough. The stories we’ve heard, the prayers spoken over us, the scriptures memorized—they all point us toward God. But at some point, we must meet Him for ourselves. We must have our own encounter.
Moses: A Man Between Two Worlds
Moses didn’t fit in. He was born a Hebrew but raised as an Egyptian prince. He knew he wasn’t truly one of Pharaoh’s people, yet he had never lived as a slave like his fellow Hebrews. He was caught between two worlds, and he never truly fit into either one of them.
Can you relate? Have you ever felt like you don’t fully belong anywhere? Maybe you grew up in a Christian home, but faith didn’t become real to you until later. Or maybe you’ve spent years going through the motions, wondering if God sees you. Moses had these same questions.
He tried to step into his calling when he defended a Hebrew slave and killed an Egyptian. Instead of being welcomed as a hero, he was rejected by both sides. His own people asked, “Who made you ruler and judge over us?” (Exodus 2:14). Pharaoh sought to kill him. So Moses ran—to the wilderness.
The Desert: Where God Meets Us
Moses spent 40 years in the desert tending sheep. The prince became a shepherd. The man who once had power and influence now wandered alone.
Sometimes, before God calls us forward, He pulls us aside. The desert seasons in our lives strip away distractions, pride and false security. They quiet the noise so we can hear the One voice that truly matters.
Then, one day, something unusual caught Moses’ eye—a bush engulfed in flames but not consumed. He could have ignored it. He could have kept walking. But he turned aside.
That’s when everything changed.
God spoke.
Friend, how often do we miss God’s voice because we’re too busy to turn aside? We rush past the moments He’s using to get our attention. But Moses stopped. He listened. And in that holy moment, God revealed His plan.
Who Am I? Who Is God?
During their encounter God touched on two burning questions that Moses was struggling with :
- Who am I?
- Who is God?
Lord, why me? I’m not strong enough, smart enough, spiritual enough. And, Lord, can I really trust You? Are You who You say You are?
God answered Moses simply, yet powerfully: “I AM.”
Not “I was.” Not “I will be.” Simply, I AM.
God is always present. He doesn’t change. His promises don’t fade. He is exactly what we need, when we need Him.
But Moses still doubted. “What if they don’t believe me?” he asked. “What if I fail?”
God responded with a question of His own: “What is that in your hand?”
It was just a staff, a simple shepherd’s tool. But when surrendered to God, it became an instrument of miracles.
God doesn’t need us to bring something spectacular. He asks us to bring what we have. He will take care of the rest.
Faith Can’t Be Borrowed
Moses had to encounter God for himself. His mother’s faith wasn’t enough.
We can’t rely on our parents’ faith, our pastor’s sermons, or the Bible studies we’ve attended. We must have our own personal encounter with God. Like Moses, we have to turn aside, listen, and respond.
How Do We Encounter God?
If you’re longing to experience God in a real way, here are three things to consider:
- Slow Down and Pay Attention – God is always speaking, but are we listening? Take time to be still. Look for Him in the ordinary moments of your day.
- Ask Him to Reveal Himself – Moses asked, “Who are You?” God isn’t afraid of our questions. Ask Him to show you who He is in a way you’ve never seen before.
- Surrender What’s in Your Hand – You may feel unqualified or unprepared, but God can use whatever you bring. Lay it before Him and trust Him to work through it.
Your Encounter and Obedience
Moses’ life changed when he stopped and turned toward the burning bush. What about you?
Is there something God has placed in front of you—a challenge, an opportunity, a conviction—that you’ve been ignoring? Is He calling you to step out in faith, but you’ve been too afraid?
God is calling you to more. To know Him. To trust Him. To walk in obedience even when you don’t feel ready.
You don’t have to have all the answers. You just have to take the next step.
Because your encounter with God and your obedience to what He asks of you will change everything.
© Audrey McCracken Creations, 2025
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