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Are You Seeking Jesus?
We live in a world where distractions pull at us from every direction. Responsibilities pile up, worries consume our thoughts, and before we know it, we’ve gone days—even weeks—without truly seeking Jesus. But the promise of Scripture is clear: If you seek Him, you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
Jesus isn’t hiding. He isn’t playing hard to get. He’s waiting, ready to reveal Himself to those who genuinely desire Him. He wants to be found.
A Tale of Two Seekers
In Luke 18 and 19, we see two very different men seeking something from Jesus. One walks away empty-handed. The other finds what his soul truly needed.
The first is the rich young ruler (Luke 18:18-25). He had everything—wealth, status, a reputation for righteousness. But he knew something was missing. “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” he asked Jesus.
At first, it seemed he had done everything right—he kept the commandments, lived a moral life, and sought Jesus with a sincere question. But when Jesus told him, “Sell all that you have and follow Me,” the man walked away sorrowful.
Why? Because he wasn’t really seeking Jesus—he was seeking a way to add eternal life to his already comfortable life without giving anything up.
Then, in Luke 19, we meet Zacchaeus, another rich man. Unlike the rich young ruler, Zacchaeus knew he was a sinner. He didn’t approach Jesus as a man who had it all together. He climbed a tree just to get a glimpse of Him.
When Jesus called his name and invited Himself into Zacchaeus’ home, Zacchaeus responded with joy. He didn’t need to be told to give up his wealth—he willingly surrendered it, offering to repay what he had stolen and give to the poor.
The rich young ruler was searching for something. Zacchaeus was searching for Someone—and because of that, he found Him.
What Are You Holding Onto?
Jesus knew exactly what was keeping the rich young ruler from following Him—his possessions. And Jesus knows exactly what we are clinging to as well. It may not be money, but it could be something else:
- A desire for control over our own lives
- Fear of what surrendering to Jesus might mean
- Past hurts that keep us from trusting Him fully
- A secret sin we don’t want to let go of
Seeking Jesus means coming to Him with open hands. If there’s something we aren’t willing to surrender, we may find ourselves like the rich young ruler—walking away sad because we can’t have both Jesus and our idols.
But when we seek Him wholeheartedly, like Zacchaeus, we will find that He is more than enough. The things we once held tightly will lose their grip when we realize what we gain in Christ.
Falling in Love with Jesus Again
Many Christians start their faith journey with passion and love for Jesus, but over time, that love can fade. Our relationship with Him can become a business transaction—doing the right things, expecting certain results, and feeling frustrated when things don’t go as planned.
But Jesus isn’t looking for transactions. He’s looking for intimacy.
Think about a marriage. If love and connection aren’t nurtured, the relationship becomes dry—just a series of responsibilities and obligations. The same thing happens in our walk with Christ when we lose sight of Him as our first love.
Jesus desires closeness with you. He wants you to seek Him not just for what He can do, but for who He is.
How Do We Seek Jesus?
If you’ve felt distant from Jesus or like your faith has become routine, here’s how you can seek Him with fresh passion:
📖 Get in the Word Daily – The Bible isn’t just a book; it’s how God speaks to us. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes as you read.
Pray from the Heart – Stop thinking of prayer as a formula. Pour out your heart to God like you would to a close friend.
Worship Intentionally – Put on worship music, sing to the Lord, and let your spirit be refreshed in His presence.
Create Space for Stillness – Sometimes, we don’t hear from Jesus because we’re too busy to listen. Make time to sit still before Him and listen to His voice.
Surround Yourself with Faithful Community – The people you spend time with influence your pursuit of Christ. Find believers who challenge and encourage you.
When we prioritize seeking Jesus, we will find Him—not just in moments of crisis, but in the everyday, ordinary moments of life.
The Greatest Reward
The rich young ruler thought he was giving up too much by following Jesus. But the truth is, the greatest treasure we will ever find is Jesus Himself.
When we surrender, we gain far more than we lose. We trade temporary things for eternal joy. We exchange control for perfect peace. We let go of what we think will satisfy and receive the only One who truly can.
Jesus is calling your name today, just as He called Zacchaeus. The question is: Will you seek Him?
© Audrey McCracken Creations, 2025
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