God has called us to live a life of faith. Often that means stepping out and trying new things. It’s okay to try and fail, even desirable But when we repeatedly put forth effort and land on our face we…
Ep. 21 – The Power of Making a Plan (Podcast)
I must admit, I love planning. I’m good at that. It’s the follow-through I struggle with. 😜 To fully live the life we’ve been given we must create a plan for how we’ll show up in the world. God has…
Ep. 20 – Building Your Home on the Rock (Podcast)
Jesus said if we hear His words and put them into practice, we will be like the man who built his house on a rock. The rain fell, the flood waters rose, the wind blew, but after the storm, his house was…
Ep. 19 – Seeking the Kingdom of God (Podcast)
Jesus tells us in Matthew 6 to “give no thought” to what we will eat, or drink, or wear. Doesn’t He know that’s a large part of what I do every day? I have a home full of hungry people….
Ep. 18 – Creating a Home Where Faith Can Grow (Podcast)
Your home is the soil where your children are planted. They are tucked away safely in your home where they first start to sprout into the people God created them to be.  We have influence over the atmosphere of our homes. …
Ep. 17 – What If All I Have Isn’t Enough? (Podcast)
Have you ever felt like you don’t have enough to pour into your children? Like you just can’t measure up, no matter how hard you try? That’s a fear that creeps into my head all the time. Thank goodness God’s…