Children grow best when they have solid and secure relationships. Developing strong relationships with our children is the key to opening and influencing their hearts for Jesus. In this episode we will look at this powerful key of relationship. Be…
Ep. 4 – Becoming a Woman of Wisdom (Podcast)
Proverbs says wisdom is the principal thing and more valuable than gold. In today’s podcast we’ll look at becoming a woman of wisdom, the sources of wisdom mentioned in scripture, and how we can grow in wisdom little by little,…
Investing the Treasure We’ve Been Given
Often in life we feel stuck, defeated, limited by our circumstances. It could be an area of responsibility that we feel puts too many demands or constraints on our lives, like our job, our marriage, or our children. Or it…
Ep. 3 – Bringing our Children to Jesus in Prayer (Podcast)
The Grace for My Home Podcast Episode 3 In this episode, we’ll look at how we can partner with God in praying for our children. What an incredible privilege we have to be able to bring our children to Jesus…
Ep. 2 – The Mama Anointing: Growing in Confidence as a Mom (Podcast)
The Grace for My Home Podcast Episode 2 Do you struggle with confidence as a mom? Do you desire to be the mom your children need but often feel like you fall short? When God gives us an assignment He always…
The Mom Anointing – Growing in Confidence as a Mom
The God Who Sees On a hill near Bethlehem, David was watching his family’s sheep. It was a lonely life, but he was never alone. Someone was always with him, watching, protecting, training, and loving him. God was building this…