At Grace for My Home…
At Grace for My Home you will find encouraging messages in my blog posts and podcast episodes. I encourage Christian wives and mothers who desire a deeper walk with God and a clearer vision of what Christian motherhood can be.
You will find topics on motherhood, faith, home, and more.
About me…
I live in rural South Carolina. My husband and I have three sweet, handsome teenage boys ages 18.
My husband and I pastor our church. Many of our church members are people we’ve known and loved most of our lives. Our church family is very important to us. They are the people we do life with.
I love to cook, which is good because everyone here likes to eat! I wish I loved to clean as much as I love to cook, but, sadly, I don’t. I try hard to keep things relatively neat and orderly, but there are just so many other things I would rather be doing than cleaning. But I still try because I do like a clean house. The struggle is real.

It’s very nice to “meet” you. It is my hope and prayer you find something of value here that will encourage you in your journey. I hope you decide to visit often.