Today’s article is the third in a four part series on marriage. You can read the other articles in this series here:
Part 1: You Can Have a Happy Marriage
Part 2: The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Marriage
Part 3: The Purpose of Marriage
Part 4: 5 Things Your Husband Needs From You
The Purpose of Marriage
Have you ever wondered why God created marriage? What’s the purpose of marriage?
Marriage was the first institution He established. Marriage is the building block of a stable society. Good things happen when communities and churches are full of strong marriages. But what is it about marriage that brings about God’s blessing? Marriage provides a stable structure for us to grow and become the best versions of ourselves.
Marriage haves five main purposes.
Marriage Helps Us to Fulfill God’s Assignment for Our Lives
When God first placed Adam and Eve in the garden He gave them an assignment.
“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” – Genesis 1:28
God said of Adam, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18) Adam needed a helper because he had an assignment that he couldn’t accomplish on his own. Adam couldn’t “fill the earth” without Eve, his wife. They shared the responsibility of the assignment. Eve was his companion, partner and helper.
Healthy marriages help us to fulfill our God-given assignments as a couple and as individuals. As we encourage and support each other in marriage, we accomplish more.
Marriage Provides a Secure Place to Bring Children Into the World
A man and a woman bringing children into the world in the context of marriage is the way God chose to fill the earth with people. When children live in a home with a mom and dad who are serving each other while serving the Lord, they have the security they need to become healthy adults. As their parents take the time to pass on their faith to their children, they learn about God and what it means to love and serve Him.
Giving your children the example of a godly marriage is one of the best gifts you can give them. It will be easier for them to navigate their own relationships later in life when they have a good example to draw from.
Marriage Is One Way God Meets Our Emotional & Relational Needs
We are created by God in His image. We have the awesome ability to love and be loved, to enjoy intimacy with others. That ability to enjoy close relationships also leaves us with a need for connection with others. We have a need for companionship, friendship and emotional connection. We also have a need for physical touch, love, respect, support and security. God designed marriage as a means of meeting these God-given needs.
Part of your obedience to God in marriage is meeting your spouse’s needs. Meeting your spouse’s needs is a part of serving each other in Christ. Marriage isn’t about getting what we want out of the other person, but about learning to serve one another in love. Marriage is better when both parties learn to listen, forgive, believe the best of their partner and meet each other’s needs.
Marriage Helps Transform Us Into the Image of Christ
One of God’s goals for all of His children is for us to be transformed into the image of His Son Jesus.
When the first couple took Satan’s bait, they immediately felt the consequences. They became self-centered and distrustful of others. Their driving force became their desire to meet their own needs. The question was no longer what can I give, but what can I take.
Selfishness is hard on marriages.
When Jesus died he made a way for us to be born-again, born of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit now dwells in our spirit, making it possible for Him to produce His character in our lives. Jesus came to be a sacrifice for our sins and an example of how to live unto God.
Jesus lived not for His own purposes, but for the plan and purposes of His Father. He said to Him, “Not my will but Yours be done.”
He also said, “I came not to be served, but to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many.”
Jesus became our way back to the Father and He showed us by example how we should live our lives.
Marriage is a part of God’s plan to transform us into the image of Christ. As we continue to commit ourselves to each other and God in our marriage, we become more and more like Jesus.
Marriage is a Reflection of Christ and the Church
While He was on earth, Jesus set up another God-ordained institution, the Church. The Church is referred to as His Bride.
In Ephesians 5, Paul says marriage between a man and a woman is a reflection of Jesus and His Church. He also says this is a mystery. We don’t fully understand it, but we’re allowed to see glimpses of this truth.
The Church is a sacred institution. The relationship between husband and wife reflects the relationship between Christ and His Bride, the Church.
We can learn a lot about marriage by looking at the relationship between Christ and the Church.
Both are sacrificial relationships. Both work better with the attitude of servanthood. The high calling of both is to love and honor each other in all things. Both are a covenant relationship that requires a life-time commitment.
Marriage is hard work. It’s often messy and more complicated than we want it to be. A happy marriage is not a passive one. If we are going to enjoy our marriage we must put work into it.
But marriage is good. And its purpose goes far beyond our desire for happiness. I like the Gary Thomas says it in his book Sacred Marriage:
“What if God designed marriage to make you holy instead of happy? What if your relationship isn’t as much about you and your spouse as it is about you and God?”
“What if God designed marriage to make you holy instead of happy? What if your relationship isn’t as much about you and your spouse as it is about you and God?” – Gary Thomas in Sacred Marriage
I hope these thoughts are helpful as you and your spouse grow closer to each other and the Lord.
God Bless!
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© Audrey McCracken Creations, 2025
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