Lord, You Know I’m Not Qualified!

When God needs a job done, He often calls someone we would consider unqualified for the assignment. And, sometimes, that person is us.
In the Book of Judges, God called Gideon to lead an army. Even Gideon thought it was a bad idea. He reminded God of all the reasons why he wasn’t qualified to lead. God didn’t change His mind or plan.
David, Jesse’s youngest son, wasn’t even called from the fields when Samuel requested a meal with Jesse and his sons. No one thought David was important enough to be called to dinner, much less to be called king.
Moses had committed murder. Esther was an orphan. Do you see a pattern here? I think God is trying to tell us something.
He’s not limited by our limitations. When God calls those who are very aware of their inability to do what He has asked, He knows they will lean on Him. They’ll listen closely to His instructions and obey carefully because they know without Him they’re toast.
Paul lived his life by this principle. He described it this way,
“Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
-2 Corinthians 12:9-11
None of us want to feel weak or inadequate, incapable of doing what’s required of us. Stepping out into new areas where we need God to move or we fail means taking the risk of being humiliated if it doesn’t work out like we think it should. That’s why so many of us stay in our comfort zone … because it’s comfortable! It’s safe.
We know exactly what to expect in our comfort zone, and what’s expected of us. There are few surprises. We know what’s coming next and how to prepare. We can blend in and hide all of our mistakes.
One of the hard things about stepping out of our comfort zone is it separates us from the crowd, making us an easy target for criticism. But that is where the new life flows and we find out what it feels like to walk, even dance, with Jesus on the water.
Leaders are called to lead. To lead others you have to leave the comfort of the crowd and stand out so those who are called to follow you can see you, and then follow.
I hear you saying, “But I’m not a leader. I’m just a mom?”
Precious mama, if you don’t lead those little ones to Jesus, who will?
Leading just means taking someone somewhere they are meant to go, but can’t on their own.
One of the main responsibilities of a mom is showing her children how to walk with God. That’s discipleship. It takes leadership. So you, my dear, are called to lead, even if you don’t feel up to the task.
I often don’t feel up to the task. It’s a huge responsibility and a tremendous undertaking. And I’ve very aware of my inability to do it well. So I must do it imperfectly and trust God to make up for what’s lacking.
I’ve found when it feels like I’ve been called to an impossible task it helps me to concentrate on what I can do instead of what I can’t. I think of it as giving God something to bless. My job is to offer Him my loaves and fish. His job is to bless it and makes them enough.
Here are five things you can do when the assignment seems overwhelming. These five things may seem simple, too simple. But little is much when God is in it:
Pray for the plan
If we knew the plan without Him, we wouldn’t need God. It’s not our plan, but His. Prayer is where we partner with Him to discover the plan, to get the how-tos of the assignment. We need time in prayer so we can stay connected with our Father and stay in His will.
Pray for wisdom
God promises in James 1:5 that if anyone asks Him for wisdom He will generously give it. You don’t have to lack wisdom. You can have it in abundance. But remember, it’s not your wisdom, it’s His. So it may not look like you expected it to look.
Pray for courage
Stepping out into new areas takes courage, but God is able to give us that too. He can give us His courage. He says in Proverbs that the righteous are bold as a lion.
Pray for grace
Do you remember when I said Paul leaned into the principle that God isn’t limited by our limitations because we are stronger when we are dependent on Him? He also said, in the verse before that “His grace is sufficient for me.” I believe that’s true for us also. God has more than enough grace for you and me. We just have to ask for it.
Step Out in Faith
Do what God has called you to do, even when it’s messy and imperfect. It never looks like you think it’s supposed to look. Don’t wait until you feel like you’re ready because you will never feel ready. When God has asked you to do what is impossible in your own ability, the only thing left for you to do is step out in faith in His ability.
Peter’s confidence to step off the boat into the water didn’t come from what he saw around him; there was a storm all around Him. His confidence didn’t come from his past experience; his past experience would tell him he was crazy to step off the boat, especially in a storm. He would drown! And his confidence didn’t come from those in the boat with him; they were all more afraid than he was.
Peter’s confidence came from hearing the voice of Jesus, wanting to obey Him and wanting to be with Him.
Fail Well
You will fail. You will stumble. You are learning to walk by faith. When toddlers are learning to walk, falling is part of the process. When they take their first steps, their leg muscles aren’t strong enough to support them. When they fall, the act of pushing themselves back up is actually building the muscles they need to eventually walk. The more they fall and get back up the stronger they become. In the big picture, failure isn’t failure. It’s how we get stronger and wiser.
Remember you may fail, but you are not a failure. Failing is something that happens. It’s not who you are. Don’t let it define who you are. But let it help shape you into who you are created to be.
Do It Afraid
Being afraid doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You can still do it afraid. Don’t let fear win.
It’s like that feeling when you are at the water park sitting at the top of the highest slide You are the next one to go. Your heart is pounding. No turning back. The only thing left to do is GO. So you push off, afraid. The fear is replaced by the thrill. And it’s exhilarating. When you reach the bottom you’re glad you did it. And you might even do it again, with a little less fear the next time.
Last year I was asked to speak at a leadership conference. When I was first invited, I was honored and excited. But as the day drew closer I became more and more nervous. I’m normally not so afraid of public speaking. But, for some reason, I was petrified to speak to this group. I think it was because so many of those who would be in the audience were people I knew, leaders I admired and respected. I felt many of them were far more qualified to speak than me. I was intimidated. The morning of the conference I couldn’t eat. It was just too much. I was afraid. I started thinking of ways I could gracefully back out.
Then I thought about how I would feel leaving the conference and not delivering the message I believed God had given me to share. I would feel awful, defeated by my fear. I decided I would deliver my message even if I was petrified, even if I fell flat on my face, even if they all saw my hands shaking. I would rather go home embarrassed of how awful my delivery was than go home embarrassed that I was too afraid to deliver it at all. I wouldn’t let fear win. God was faithful and it went well. But I did it afraid. And I highly recommend it.
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
Peter confidently stepped off the boat onto the sea, but when he took his eyes off Jesus he began to sink. We must keep our eyes on Jesus. When we take our eyes off Him, we begin to sink. We are doing the impossible and can only continue to do so when our focus is on Jesus. But even when we do take our eyes off Him and begin to sink, He is always close enough to grab our hand. He won’t let us drown.
He will take your hand and lead you as you lead your little ones. He is your Shepherd. He has placed your children under your care to shepherd them for Him. If He didn’t believe in you, he wouldn’t have given you those children. If you don’t have enough for the journey, go to Him to receive it: faith, courage, wisdom, strength, hope, joy, healing. They are all yours in Christ. Look to Jesus. He has what you need when you need it.
Keep your eyes on Him. Whatever you need, He has and is willing to give. Don’t feel bad asking. You are not asking so you can use it on your own dreams or desires, but you are working to do His will. You are his servant, on His assignment. He opens up the storehouse of Heaven to provide what you need for the work He has given you to do.
God wants you to work with Him. He has great things for you and your children. He wants to do miracles in you and through your life.
You are very aware of your inability to perform miracles. I know. But that’s why He called you. That’s why it’s your assignment. He knew He could trust you to do it His way and lean on Him and not your own wisdom and understanding.
Motherhood is hard. Leading can be scary, even when you’re “just a mom.” But Jesus has you covered. It’s going to be great. He is with you wherever you go.
© Audrey McCracken, 2022
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I’m so glad! Your encouragement means more than you know. Love you 🙂